Static Analysis Tools
Preferred vendor approved by Intel strategic purchasing. See the Klocwork page for more information on the product and its licensing structure. For a quick overview of the Klocwork K7 tool suite and FAQ, visit Klocwork K7 Overview.
FxCop - Best tool available to date for analyzing "Managed Code" (aka .NET code) such as C#, VB or managed C++. Freely available from Microsoft.
Ounce Labs
Lintra - Static Analysis tool for RTL
Open-source or Noncommercial products
RATS — Rough Auditing Tool for Security, which can scan C, C++, Perl, PHP and Python source code.
Yasca - Yet Another Source Code Analyzer, a plugin-based framework for scanning arbitrary file types, with plugins for scanning C/C++, Java, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, HTML/CSS, COBOL, and other file types. It integrates with other scanners, including FindBugs, JLint, and PMD.
.NET (C#, VB.NET and all .NET compatible languages)
FxCop — Free static analysis for Microsoft .NET programs that compile to CIL. Standalone and integrated in some Microsoft Visual Studio editions. From Microsoft.
FindBugs — an open-source static bytecode analyzer for Java (based on Jakarta BCEL).
PMD (software) — a static ruleset based Java source code analyzer that identifies potential problems.
Hammurapi - a versatile code review solution.
Sparse — a tool designed to find faults in the Linux kernel.
Splint — an open source evolved version of Lint (C language).
Cppcheck — a tool that can find memory leaks, buffer overruns and many other common errors.
Cppcheck — a tool that can find memory leaks, buffer overruns and many other common errors.